Signs need to get the message across to as many people as possible without being too complex. A lot of people spend ages when it comes to designing signs but end up with something that looks too messy and complicated. The signs you make should be able to get the message over in as few words as possible. A sign that has been poorly designed will give potential customers the wrong idea about your company and the products and services it offers.
Here are some tips if you are looking to design a sign that will stand out from the crowd:
Simplicity is the Key
Keep the message on your sign to the point. There is no need to use a dozen words if five will get the message across. People will have to read your sign while they are going about their daily business, they won’t have the time to stand reading a paragraph of text, so make it simple.
Make it Colourful
Bland signs that don’t stand out aren’t going to get noticed and this means the message you are trying to get across isn’t going to find to its intended audience. Experiment with a few different colours for the background and text before making your final decision. Ask some friends to have a look at the designs you come up with and give you their opinions before you decide on the final design.
Size it Up
Give some thought to the size of the sign. If the sign is to be placed on the outside of your office building for example, you will need to think about making it easy for people passing by in cars and busses to see. If on the other hand you are designing a hand-held placard, you will be able to choose a smaller size. You will also need to think about the size of the text on your sign. It’s no good having a large sign that can be seen from a distance if the text is too small to be read.
Safety First
Your signs will also need to be safe, especially if they are being placed in an area where the general public congregate. You should put as much thought into making your signs safe as you do into choosing the size, text and colour schemes. Ensure that the sign is placed out of children’s reach and in location where they will not be blown down during inclement weather.
Make it Different
Try to come up with some ideas that will make your sign different from all the others surrounding it. This might be by having bold, eye-catching colours and even the location it is positioned. By making your sign different you will have the best chance of attracting an audience and some of that audience may become your future customers.
Incorporate Calls-to-Action
Calls-to-action will get the attention of people looking at your sign. By telling them to “Call Us” or “ Visit Us Today” you will be more likely to get them to contact you rather than just forgetting the sign.
An eye-catching sign could bring your company a lot of new business if it is designed well and positioned in the right location. If you have a flair for art, you might want to have a go at designing the sign by yourself. If you are not very artistic then you will be able to find a plethora of professional sign making companies advertising their services on the Internet; a professionally designed sign could be the answer if you are looking to attract more trade.